ERP- CRM- Software- Hosten- Domeinen

Testimomials WebErp 

Vaak willen personen, die voor het eerst kennis maken met een nieuwe teopassing van andere gebruikers hun ervaringen hiermee horen. Omdat de oorspronkelijke versie in Engelstalige gebieden, zoals Verenigde Staten, Australië, Nieuw Zeeland, Zuid Afrika in gebruik zijn genomen, hierna een aantal oorspronkelijke reacties in het Engels:

"I just started using webERP. I looked at a lot of ERP solutions, and I settled on webERP for one of our divisions. webERP is far and away the easiest to implement, easiest to use, easiest to extend, especially for casual developers, and it is extremely capable."

Scott Rosa, Prevention Partners Ltd., USA

"Depending on the exact requirements of the business in question, one possible option is webERP, an ERP system especially suited to accounting functions such as warehousing and stock inventories, billing and invoicing etc.

I have implemented it here at the company I work for, and so far it's humming along perfectly. Whilst the owners of this company aren't particularly concerned about open-based software since we are an authorised Microsoft systems integrator and refurbisher, amongst other things, I personally tend to avoid closed systems like the plague.

webERP is an upgrade to our old shareware setup that made use of SQL and a client-side application. This upgrade was necessary as our business is growing rapidly and requires a robust and scalable stock control system. Other options included Pastel, but the cost of licensing and training requirements makes webERP seem like a no-brainer.

Of course, as with any new software (particularly complex ERP software) training will be required, but fortunately the project is quite mature and extensive documentation is available.

Perhaps the biggest hassle of all will be capturing the existing data into the new system. Fortunately, this didn't take us too long, but a larger company with thousands upon thousands of items could take quite a while.

The real beauty of it is that it is a LAMP-based system and requires only a Web browser to be used. This will (as suggested previously) allow a company a gradual and subtle migration from Windows to Linux, starting with the back-end and working towards uprooting the desktop users.

Performance of webERP, as expected, is superb and whilst we have barely scratched the surface of its true capabilities, we know that in time we will be relying on its enterprise-level feature set to keep our business administration in order.

Thus far I have been able to find open-based replacements for every business function at every company I have worked for. There is no reason to allow your company to be hamstrung by proprietary software. Open-based is mature and enterprise ready - the most cutting edge business intelligence software is merely a search away."

Allan J. Bezuidenhout, BizAssist Ltd., South Africa

"Just wanted to drop you a line that I notice that webERP just seems to go from strength to strength. When I have occasion to respond to people asking me what ERP/SME system to use, privately or professional, I always include webERP in the list. Great product and I hope I actually get to install and operate it for a business sometime soon.

Keep up the great work - and pass on my best wishes to the team."

Matt Taylor, OrderWare Solutions Limited, Australia

"I have recently installed the Web-erp suite and over all it works fine. Installation was quick and easy."

Ashutosh Vats

"Hello to everyone at Weberp...

We have been using Weberp for a while now and have had no issues at all... Thanks again..."


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